Whats your favorite dinosaur. While these questions are strange they are effective for getting to know someone.
Heres the list of funny.

Questions to ask dumb friends. If youre ever bored at a party ask your friends a few of these funny questions that make you think. Dont get caught up in thinking of questions and just let it go. How long have you gone without a shower.
When youre thinking of questions to ask a new friend it can be easy to get pressured because you want to make sure to ask them the right questions. Vote for your favorite question at the end of this page and share it. Be it guy friends or girl friends.
Top 125 Stupid Questions To Ask 2021 Boys Girls Whether its a get-together just hanging out with your friends or chatting with someone all people need is to have a good and fun conversation. What is the weirdest thing that you have done with a girlguy in a scary place. Why is it called a drive through if you have to stop.
These are the questions to ask a girl and these are the questions to ask a guy. Do you like the taste of blood. Dumb Questions To Ask 1If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables.
Often we find ourselves faced with lifes hard questions and although it helps to exercise our minds and come up with. What sound does a frog makes. Do turkeys get sleepy from that thing in turkey that makes you sleepy.
Who would you hate to see naked. How quickly do you jump to conclusions about other people. In short whenever youre bored these are the questions to ask.
Sometimes its better not to try and understand it but just throw your head back and laugh. The more random the questions the more fun you can have. Good questions to ask your friends best friends or even new friends.
Lets take a look at a few seemingly dumb questions you can chose to someone whenever you want to poke at people. How often do you clean up your room. Why are there self-help groups if its supposed to be SELF help.
What is baby oil made from. How many crush do you have in your lifetime till now. While the initial list of questions explores more provocative deep contemplation these confusing questions might not feel as urgent or important.
Your friends would be amused. Whats the wildest thing youre willing to do with me. C Were you born on the same day.
Shouldnt it be called an inlet. Life is silly and so are these questions. Is Florida shaped like a handgun on purpose.
I wont be able to answer many questions about Options Technical Analysis or FilingsRules. Can atheists get insurance policies that cover acts of God. Stupid Philosophical Questions to Ask Someone.
10 Really Stupid Questions. 3Why is an. How long have you gone without brushing your teeth.
I wont call you a shill or anything so ask away. So to lighten the mood and add a little laughter to your days it helps to be able to loosen up and focus on simpler things. Answer these 4 questions out loud.
Who was your first crush. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone and it knocks down someone does it stop to help them. Top 100 Funny Questions to Ask Friends.
Funny Questions to Ask Your Friend. Funny Truth or Dare Questions to Ask Friends. What do you call a male lady bug.
Do you like scars. More Stupid and Funny Questions To Ask Your Friends. How tight is too tight.
2Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it. Do you bite your tongue or your cheeks more often. If you could only text one person for the rest of your life but you could never talk to that person face-to-face who would that be.
Do you have a hole in your underwear. Is it really necessary for LA. These dumb questions work both ways.
If animals could talk which would be the rudest. 93 Funny Stupid Questions To Ask your Friends. Hey can I have some money.
Have you pooped today already. The teacher asked the two girls who looked exactly like the following questions. How long can you hold your breath.
Have you ever been involved in a crazy and intense cat fight. All love no hate here. So much of our world is nonsensical.
Whats a common abbreviation for Coca-Cola. There are 22 good questions 30 personal questions and 48 deep questions to ask your friends for great conversation even when you are bored. Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of your own gas.
No one wants to talk about politics when they are with their buddies because they all want to forget about the worries and stress that their daily. A Are you from the same family. B Do you have the same parents.
Here are 9 random questions to ask a new friend. But the confusion they cause can make them a great point of conversation if you want to keep your family and friends preoccupied with debates on your next get together. If electricity comes from electrons does that mean that morality comes from morons.
Use These Questions to Add Fun to Your Conversations With Your Sweetheart. Read out these hilarious stupid questions to your friends and we bet you and your gang will have loads of fun. To have a zoo.
Good Questions to Ask Your Friends. Whats the weirdest conversation youve overheard. What are egg whites made.
Weird questions to ask your friends. Here are 81 Funny Questions to Ask at Work. What do you call a funny story with a punch line.
Have you ever eaten paper. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant. Hey friends This is the place to ask your general and beginners questions no matter how dumb youre worried they might be.
Weve put together below some silly and funny questions you can start your remote meeting to use as icebreakers to create a fun and lighthearted vibe.