Having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects. A quirk of fate.
Quirky adj informal strikingly unconventional.

Meaning of the word quirky. Quirky Somebody who think they are cool and eDgY typically Americans but they hide there accent because it makes then dIfferEnT. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event. Every man had his own quirks and twists.
Yes the film is very quirky and offbeat which means itll probably be a commercial flop. Bizarre bizarro cranky Find the right word. Far-out kinky offbeat way-out.
They are known to be using these terms. Strange in a somewhat silly awkward manner. Usually a person is described as quirky when they behave in a way or have qualities that are.
With respect to personality quirky refers to people who are weird unusual strange bizarre and eccentric in their behavior. The adjective quirky is often used to describe those unconventional things that are characterized by peculiar behavior or an unexpected point of view. Quirky describes something that has or is full of quirks which are odd or unusual qualities.
How to use quirky in a sentence. Im not like other girls and iM sO unIQuE. Something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their appearance character or behaviour.
Jul 03 2021 Definition of quirky. Weve developed a. Comparative quirkier superlative quirkiest.
Such people are the oddballs and stand out among a big crowd without even trying. Unusual in especially an interesting or appealing way. A powerful jinn or demon in Arabian and Muslim mythology.
Unusual in an attractive and interesting way. A peculiarity of behavior. He drew inspiration from unexpected things like dried leaves or quirky antique books.
A sudden sharp turn or twist. Requiring great skill or finesse in handling or treatment. Jun 21 2021 The dictionary defines quirky as a strange or unique action or personality or idiosyncrasies and strange silly awkward and potentially cute manner of being.
Nov 08 2017 When the word quirky is applied to women or the work they produce its often to suggest a fundamental lack of seriousness. Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood thinking or behavior. Different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion.
Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names. A quirk of the head. Quirky definition is - having many quirks.
Kwɜːʳki Word forms. A full-length sleeveless outer garment worn by Arabs. Oct 04 2012 My first book Quirkyalone draws upon the word quirky to create a new word that means someone who doesnt settle in relationships or life but its also valuable for us to dive into the meaning of the word quirky since that word can have positive negative and neutral connotations and quirky people so often feel misunderstoodeven by themselves.
Unusual in an attractive and interesting way. The fourth stomach of a ruminant such as a cow or sheep. Strange in a somewhat silly awkward manner.
In the recently released film Mr. To leave somewhere abruptly. Quirky Find more words.
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