Hi my name is. Say hi in Puerto Rican Spanish You could say the phrase Que hubo to say hi in Puerto Rico.
Hi how are you.

How to say how hi in spanish. Interj SAm hello also. Its not too formal nor does it sound colloquial so you can use it in most situations. Dec 15 2020 Hola que pasa.
It can be just one person or a group of people. How to say hi in Spanish. Be sure to make the H silent and pronounce it as o la.
See a translation 1 like News Hey you. The more formal way to greet someone would be buenos das good day in the morning buenas tardes good afternoon in the afternoon and buenas noches good night in. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing.
Note that Spanish greetings are always in the plural Good days but you might occasionally hear the singular buen da. Aug 17 2020 Hello in Spanish is hola Hola is the standard Spanish greeting. Hi how are you.
English US Tnx Tnx. Hola mi nombre es. The one learning a language.
Its pronounced KEY ooh-boh Honestly this is one of the countries I still have not been to in that speaks Spanish as a native language. Use for blank spaces Advanced Search. Hi whats up is a very casual greeting.
Hello answering the phone kia ora bueno interj Mex This seems to be quite essential in my view also for the European countryside and offers us good prospects for a new hi-tech rural development policy. How do you say this in Spanish Spain. Use it in any occasion where the atmosphere is comfortable and you know all or most of the people youre greeting.
Hola a ti tambin. Oct 30 2019 Hola This is the most common way to say hi to someone in Spanish and can be used at any point in the day. See a translation 1 like Highly-rated answerer Riavxll.
This short and simple phrase is used not only in Spain but in any Spanish speaking country so remember this four letter word and you will be able to quickly strike up a conversation. We use it to say Hi to anyone we know from before. So if in doubt stick to buenos das.
Nov 03 2020 Hi. Dec 05 2017 Hola is the Spanish equivalent to hello and were pretty sure youve already heard it many times before. Is not very commonly used.
Hi to you too. Use for blank tiles max 2 Advanced Search Advanced Search. See 6 authoritative translations of Say hi in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
How to say hi how are you in Spanish. See Also in English. In Spanish the h is silent so you would pronounce hola as you would ola.
Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker. Instead of buenos das.
10 Ways To Say Hello In Spanish Listen To The Audio Say Hello In Spanish Hello In Spanish Ways To Say Hello