Gave in to his passions fervor implies a warm and steady emotion. He was a recent Catholic convert and very zealous.
Filled with or characterized by zeal zealous missionaries.

Definition of the word zealous. A politician known for his zeal for reform Synonyms. Feb 03 2020 What Does Zealous Mean. Keep scrolling for more.
A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something She attacked her homework with renewed zeal after getting her first A. Derived from the Greek work zelos to be zealous means to have an ardor or fervor of spirit There is an energy and an enthusiasm about ones faith. Definitions of zealous from WordNet.
According to Merriam-Webster zaddy is a slang term that is a play on the word daddyThis is often seen in the phrase zamn zaddy or damn daddy The word zaddy refers to an attractive older man who has swag and sex appeal usually with a dominant personality. They have a zeal. Jul 03 2021 Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time or energy in supporting something that they believe in very strongly especially a political or religious ideal.
Having or showing too much zeal. The believer is eager. Zealous adj marked by active interest and enthusiasm.
Jealous More Example Sentences Learn More about zealous. According to Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary and Vocabulary the word zeal pronounced ziːl is a noun that refers to some eagerness or ardent pursuit or somethingThis person has an eager desire to complete an endeavor. Zealous - marked by active interest and enthusiasm.
Marked by fervent partisanship for a person a cause or an ideal. Excessively eager enthusiastic or fervent overzealous parents overzealous workers another version of the overzealous monitoring that has produced kids who leave for college without ever having crossed the street by themselves. This is often used to refer to people who are religious zealots who are people who are very passionate about their religion.
This feeling of strong eagerness causes a prompt willingness and enthusiastic devotion to. An avid sports fan. Jul 04 2021 What does the word zeal mean.
Ardently active devoted or diligent. Was enthusiastic about taking ballet lessons. Enthusiastic crowds filled the streets.
Zealous definition full of characterized by or due to zeal. Jul 05 2021 What does the word zaddy mean. Enthusiastic - having or showing great excitement and interest.
In general zeal is an eagerness of desire to accomplish or obtain some object and it may be manifested either in favor of any person or thing or in opposition to it and in a good or bad cause. Enthusiastic passionate earnest burning More Synonyms of zealous. From Late Latin zēlus.
The ardor of their honeymoon soon faded enthusiasm applies to. Zeal the blind conductor of the will. Zĕləs The definition of zealous is having passionate energy for a belief or purpose.
Passion applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable. Passion fervor ardor enthusiasm zeal mean intense emotion compelling action. Near Synonyms for zeal.
Other Words from zealous Zealous vs. She was a zealous worker for charitable bodies. Noun fervent or enthusiastic devotion often extreme or fanatical in nature as to a religious movement political cause ideal or aspiration Word Origin for zeal C14.
1520s from Medieval Latin zelosus source of Italian zeloso Spanish celoso from zelus see zeal. An example of zealous is a preacher in an energetic church. Read the poem aloud with great fervor ardor suggests warm and excited feeling likely to be fitful or short-lived.
Apr 29 2021 According to Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary the word zealous pronounced ˈzɛləs is an adjective that describes someone or something that is ardently active or devotes to something.
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Zealous Zealousdifinition Vocabulary Words Words Grammar And Vocabulary