The guidance system keeps the machine on course. An example of to keep is for a person to place all of her money in a savings account.
Must keep your composure.

Definition of will keep. 16 when intr foll by. Jul 01 2021 Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it. Until last year the regime kept a tight grip on the country.
Feb 01 2021 Your last will and testament is an important document. Persist in go on keep on carry on continue do something constantly do something incessantly do something continually not stop doing something persevere. Persevere or persist at doing something.
To keep out of company or out reach. 1 used to express futurity tomorrow morning I will wake up in this first-class hotel suite Tennessee Williams. In the phrase keep bad company 18 tr to maintain in existence.
Hold as ones own. To be faithful to keep. You can keep a secret keep a diary or keep your little sister safe.
It is used with the base form of a verb. No object of a perishable commodity remain in good condition. In spoken English and informal written English the form wont is often used in negative statements.
I cant decide whether to sell my old car or keep it for another year. An example of. As to keep at a distance.
You can also keep a ritual or religious custom by practicing it - like to keep kosher. Hold hold back keep reserve retain withhold. To continue having or holding something.
To keep in the house. To hold or retain in ones possession. 1 modal You use will to indicate that you hope think or have evidence that something is going to happen or be the case in the future.
To have as a supply. To remain in any position or state. Maintain in safety from injury harm or danger.
Store house stow keep a place for put away place put deposit stack pile. To control restrict or arrest. To take notice of by appropriate conduct.
1 MODAL VERB USES Will is a modal verb. To support a mistress or lover financially. To keep court in the palace.
While the company laid off some employees others had hopes of keeping their jobs. 17 tr to associate with esp. To retain possession of.
To stay in on or at a place or position please keep your seats keep to the path. To not return lose sell give away or throw away something Shes going to keep the money she found. May God keep you.
To stay or make something stay in a particular place or condition. To keep in favor. The word generally has the senses of hold onto maintain stay continue or protect from harm.
Keep is defined as to hold or retain something or it can mean to continue doing something. To keep before or behind. Bit brake bridle check constrain curb hold hold back hold down hold in inhibit keep pull in rein back in or up restrain.
In on to etc. Verb used with object kept keeping. Food that will not spoil yet will keep.
For example if you keep a grip on something you continue to hold or control it. 19 tr Chiefly Brit to have habitually in stock. Theres little to earn and many to keep.
To remain unimpaired. To provide a family for example with maintenance and support. It is also put as keep at it as in He kept at it all day and finally finished the report.
To refrain from granting giving or allowing kept the news back. 2 with object and complement Cause to continue in a specified condition position course etc. To retain in ones possession or power kept the money we found.
For example If you keep at your math youll soon master it. To have and maintain in ones possession. When theres a crisis at work its important for managers to keep calm and be supportive.
It details who will get your assets and belongings after you die and might also discuss who youve chosen as the guardian for your minor children. Keep spare parts in case of emergency. To have in control keep your temper.
2 used to express desire choice willingness consent or in negative. If you like it keep it. Keep sth movingworkingoperating.